Breast Implant in Delhi

Breast Implant in Delhi

Are you feeling a bit self-conscious about the size of your breasts, making it challenging to embrace public situations? Concerned about changes in your breast shape after pregnancy, aging, or weight loss? Worry not! Discover the perfect solution with the top breast implant surgeon in Delhi, specializing in cutting-edge breast augmentation surgery. Explore safe and affordable options for Breast Implant in Delhi, tailored to your desired size and shape.

What is Breast Augmentation?

This procedure involves the strategic use of artificial implants or fat grafting to increase breast size, restoring a harmonious balance to your figure. The most common method involves the insertion of soft silicone implants, providing a natural look and feel. Alternatively, some individuals opt for breast volume enhancement through fat grafting. This technique involves extracting fat from unwanted areas of your body and skillfully injecting it into the breasts for a natural and beautiful outcome.

Say goodbye to worries about small or deformed breasts and connect with us for the best breast augmentation in Delhi and Gurgaon. Our expert surgeon understands your concerns and is ready to provide tailored solutions. Regain confidence and achieve the figure you desire with our advanced breast augmentation procedures.

Remember, your journey to enhanced confidence starts with a consultation for Breast Implant in Delhi. Reach out to us, and let’s embark on this transformative experience together.

Why Choose Breast Augmentation?

Experience the transformative effects of Breast Implant in Delhi, also known as Mammaplasty. Our skilled surgeon delivers personalized solutions for a confident, radiant you!Whether you desire a more rounded, firm, or larger bust, this procedure can help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Our skilled surgeon employs the latest technology, using artificial implants or fat grafting to deliver outstanding results. Embark on a transformative journey to enhance your confidence and achieve your aesthetic goals with our expert breast augmentation services. Discover personalized solutions for a more proportionate and radiant you!

1. Desire for a Proportionate Figure:

Embrace the confidence you deserve by opting for breast augmentation if you find yourself wishing for a more proportionate figure. Our procedure is tailored to enhance your natural beauty and achieve the perfect balance for your unique body shape.

2. Deeper Cleavage Goals:

Yearning for a deeper cleavage that complements your style and boosts your self-esteem? Our breast augmentation procedure can help you achieve that desired look, enhancing not only your bust but also your overall silhouette.

3. Expertise from a Prestigious Plastic Surgery Institute:

Rest assured, your journey to a transformed appearance is in capable hands. Our experienced surgeon brings expertise gained from a prestigious institute of plastic surgery, ensuring the highest standards of care and precision in every aspect of your breast augmentation procedure.

4. Loss of Breast Size and Shape after Weight Loss:

Massive weight loss should be a celebration of your achievements, not a source of concern. If you’ve experienced changes in breast size and shape, our breast augmentation can restore your confidence by addressing these natural transformations.

5. Volume Loss Due to Aging or Breastfeeding:

The natural aging process or the joys of motherhood should never compromise your confidence. Our breast augmentation procedure is designed to combat volume loss, helping you regain the youthful and vibrant appearance you desire.

6. Addressing Asymmetric Breasts:

Our breast augmentation can provide a solution if the prominence of uneven breast sizes has been bothering you. Achieve symmetry and a harmonious look that enhances your overall appearance.

Connect with us to explore how breast augmentation can address your specific concerns and bring your aesthetic goals to life. Our friendly and knowledgeable team is here to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring your comfort and satisfaction. Let’s embark on this journey together!

Breast Implant Review

Understanding Breast Augmentation Procedure

Embark on a journey to enhanced confidence with our outpatient breast augmentation procedure. Patients are discharged on the same day, ensuring a convenient experience. For breast implants, incisions are made along the areolar edge, under the breast fold, or in the armpit.

Through these incisions, implants are carefully placed either under the pectoral muscle or directly behind the breast tissue. Closure is done with sutures, adhesive, or surgical tape. Witness immediate results, though incision lines naturally fade over time.

Explore Implant Options:

Silicone Breast Implants:

Commonly used worldwide, these implants come pre-filled with soft silicone gel, providing a natural look and feel.

Gummy Bear” Silicone Implants:

Filled with cohesive gel, these implants offer stability and firmness. They may require a longer incision, but they are known for their teardrop shape.

Saline Breast Implants:

Filled with sterile salt water, these implants allow for smaller incisions as they can be inflated after placement.

Experience the transformation with our breast augmentation procedures, tailored to enhance your natural beauty and boost your self-confidence. Connect with us for a personalized consultation and start your journey to a more radiant you!

Image Credit: By Otto Placik – Otto J. Placik, M.D., CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

Breast Implant Surgery: What to Expect

Before Breast Implant Surgery:

Before your breast implant surgery, ensure you’ve thoroughly discussed your specialist’s experience, certifications, and the clinic’s licensing. Budget considerations are crucial due to the cost of implants; factor in savings for this transformative treatment. In Delhi, breast augmentation surgery varies based on the doctor’s experience and quality of service. Follow pre-operative procedures, such as avoiding blood thinners, alcohol, and smoking. Wear comfortable clothes on the surgery day, and refrain from eating or drinking 8 hours prior.

During the Breast Surgery:

The surgeon conducts a medical evaluation before the breast implant surgery, ensuring your fitness for the procedure and minimizing complications. The actual surgery, performed under local anesthesia, lasts approximately 45 minutes in a Delhi breast enlargement clinic. Patients are discharged on the same day, usually within 2-3 hours post-surgery. Local anesthesia keeps you numb during the operation. Resume normal activities after 2-3 days with surgeon-approved instructions.

After Breast Implant Surgery:

During the recovery period, adhere to your surgeon’s recommendations for optimal healing. Following instructions diligently enhances the chances of a swift recovery. Dr. Sandeep Bhasin advises patients to avoid abdominal, aerobic, and upper-body exercises for at least 7 days post-surgery. Steer clear of any upper body movements during the recovery period to ensure a smooth and successful healing process.

Recovery Journey After Breast Augmentation

After your breast augmentation, anticipate some soreness lasting about 5-7 days, accompanied by normal sensations of dizziness and swelling. Rest assured, these are typical post-surgery experiences with no cause for concern.

Guidelines for a Smooth Recovery:

  1. Take it Easy: The first two days are crucial for recovery. Rest, avoid heavy activities, and follow your doctor’s advice. Consider this time as an opportunity to pamper yourself.
  2. Medication Matters: Ease discomfort with prescribed painkillers, but steer clear of tea and coffee to prevent gastritis. Opt for light, easily digestible meals, steering clear of heavy foods.
  3. Bandages and Care: Keep the treated area covered with compressive bandages to ward off infections. Your doctor will remove them and provide further recovery instructions.
  4. Initial Swelling and Discomfort: Expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the initial 24-48 hours. Rest assured, this is temporary and diminishes as your recovery progresses.
  5. Gradual Return to Routine: Resume your daily routine the day after surgery. If you have a desk job, you can return to work after 3 days, gradually incorporating light activities like walks.
  6. Caution with Movements: Avoid sudden movements and lifting weights for approximately two weeks. Prioritize your comfort and let your body heal at its own pace.
  7. Compression Garment Support: Embrace the support of a compression garment or bra for a minimum of 4 weeks. This ensures your breasts maintain the contours achieved immediately after surgery.
  8. Recovery Milestones: Around one month, bruising, discomfort, and most swelling will fade, making you feel “back to normal.” By 6-8 weeks, you can resume various physical activities with your surgeon’s approval.
  9. Long-Term Settlement: Understand that your breasts will continue to settle into their final position over the next few months, revealing the full and beautiful results of your breast augmentation.

Trust the recovery process, follow your doctor’s guidance, and soon you’ll be enjoying the renewed confidence and beauty you’ve envisioned.

Breast Augmentation: Capabilities and Limitations


  1. Increase Fullness and Volume: Breast augmentation can enhance the fullness and volume of your breasts, creating a more voluptuous and well-defined appearance.
  2. Improve Projection: Enjoy improved projection of the breasts, achieving a natural and aesthetically pleasing contour.
  3. Enhance Breast-to-Hip Proportion: Achieve a harmonious and balanced figure by enhancing the breast-to-hip proportion through breast augmentation.
  4. Create Symmetry: Breast augmentation can make your breasts look more symmetrical, addressing any noticeable imbalances.
  5. Boost Self-Image and Confidence: Experience a positive transformation in your self-image and self-confidence, embracing the enhanced beauty that breast augmentation offers.


  1. Reorient Nipple and Areola for Perkiness:

While breast augmentation can improve the overall appearance of the breasts, it doesn’t reorient the nipple and areola to make the breasts perkier. This procedure focuses primarily on volume and shape.

Understanding these capabilities and limitations ensures realistic expectations, guiding you towards informed decisions about your breast augmentation journey.

Understanding Risks in Breast Augmentation:

Like any surgery, breast augmentation comes with potential risks. Although complications are avoidable when carried out by a board-certified plastic surgeon, it is crucial to be aware of them.

Common Risks Include:

  1. Anesthesia Risks: Standard risks associated with anesthesia.
  2. Bleeding and Hematoma: Possible bleeding during or after surgery, leading to a hematoma.
  3. Infection Risk: A chance of infection, which is minimized with proper surgical hygiene.
  4. Altered Sensation: Temporary or permanent changes in nipple or breast sensation.
  5. Scarring: Formation of scars, with their visibility varying among individuals.
  6. Implant-Related Risks:
    1. Rupture: Breaking of the implant.
    2. Capsular Contracture: Formation of tight scar tissue around the implant.
    3. Seroma: accumulation of fluid around the implant.
    4. Persistent Pain: Ongoing discomfort post-surgery.

While complications are rare with a skilled surgeon, there can be risks of scar tissue affecting implant shape and breast pain. In some cases, implant positions may change or leaks may occur due to improper surgery. Opting for a specialist ensures a higher likelihood of avoiding such complications. Trust your surgery to renowned professionals for a smoother and safer breast augmentation experience.

Cost of Breast Augmentation Treatment

Location, clinic reputation, surgeon preference, and other factors all affect the cost of breast implant surgery in Delhi. At Care Well Medical Centre, we offer treatment at reasonable rates, starting at Rs. 150,000. This cost varies based on the patient’s desired size and shape.

For inquiries about breast augmentation costs in Delhi, visit our center or contact us. We are dedicated to assisting our patients and providing transparent information. The overall cost of breast implants in Delhi can vary, factoring in implant type, surgeon fees, and surgery location. Generally, breast implant costs in India range from INR 60,000 to INR 2,50,000 (approximately USD 800 to USD 3,500). Feel free to reach out for further details or to schedule a consultation.

Why Choose Care Well Medical Centre for Breast Implant Surgery?

  1. Expertise You Can Trust: Our highly skilled surgeons bring experience and expertise to ensure successful breast implant procedures.
  2. Reputation for Excellence: Countless satisfied patients attest to our clinic’s reputation for delivering exceptional results and top-notch care.
  3. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Enjoy the comfort of modern facilities equipped with the latest technology for your breast implant surgery.
  4. Personalized Approach: Tailored procedures cater to your unique needs, ensuring satisfaction with the desired size and shape.
  5. Transparent Communication: We value transparent communication, providing clear information on costs, procedures, and expectations.
  6. Patient-Centric Care: Your well-being is our priority, with patient-centric care emphasizing comfort, safety, and satisfaction.
  7. Affordable and Transparent Pricing: Experience quality care at competitive and transparent pricing starting from Rs. 150,000.

Choose Care Well Medical Centre for a successful and transformative breast implant surgery journey.

FAQs about Breast Implants in Delhi

What is the cost of breast implants in Delhi?

The cost of breast implants in Delhi typically ranges from Rs. 1,05,000 to Rs. 1,57,500. The implant amount varies, ranging from Rs. 30,000-40,000, depending on the type (Saline, Gummy bear, Silicone).

Is breast implant surgery safe in India?

Yes, breast implant surgery in India is generally a safe and outpatient procedure. Medical-grade implants are used, and placement can be below or above the muscle. Breast augmentation is considered safe, and it doesn’t pose problems with pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Are breast implants permanent?

New breast implants usually last around 10 years, although individual experiences may vary. Over time, there is a risk of rupture, which may result in changes in breast size or shape, firmness, or swelling.

What is the age limit for breast implants?

There is a minimum age requirement for cosmetic augmentation, which is 18 for saline implants and 22 for silicone implants. However, there is no upper age restriction for individuals who want to enhance the appearance of their breasts later in life.

What are the side effects of breast implants?

Some patients may associate symptoms like fatigue, memory loss, rash, “brain fog,” and joint pain with breast implants. The term “breast implant illness” (BII) is sometimes used to describe these symptoms.

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